If this is your first time getting botox, or you’re just beginning to flirt with the idea of getting botox, this article includes everything you need to know for what…
Make Your New Year's Resolution a Cavity-Free Year
If you spent most of 2017 with ongoing dental issues, you’re probably pretty motivated to make sure you’re heading into the new year with a healthy smile that you can…
Try These Tooth-Healthy Holiday Treats for Your Kids
The end of the year is full of holiday celebrations, and usually it’s full of delicious food and treats too. If the fear of sending your kids into a sugar-induced…
3 Effective Gummy Smile Treatments
You read that correctly – that gummy smile you’ve been self conscious about for so many years can be corrected without having to go under the knife!
How to Care For Aging Teeth
We all age in different ways – and our teeth are no different. As the years pass, our pearly whites need slightly different types of care, and there are new…
Should I Use an Electric Toothbrush?
Your toothbrush is on its last legs – the bristles are splayed side to side, and the blue indicator stripe has all but disappeared. So do you just grab another…
Help! How Do I Choose a Mouthwash?
Feel like your oral hygiene could use an extra boost? Whether you’re looking for an extra clean feeling in between brushings, trying to improve your cavity prevention, or hoping to…
How Much Does Invisalign Cost?
It’s the first question on your lips every time you consider a new dental treatment. How affordable is this going to be? Do you have room in your budget? Is…
Preventing Gum Disease Could Lower These Big Health Risks
You don’t want to deal with gum disease. Periodontal treatment can be stressful - and you’ll need to follow up with a concerted effort to improve your oral hygiene and…
How (And Why) You Should Stop Biting Your Nails
Find your hand creeping toward your mouth when you're stressed out or bored? Nail-biting is a problem for people of all ages - and it could be wreaking havoc on…