General Dentistry & Patient Education
Seattle General Dentistry & Patient Education
While Dr. Okamura is able to provide a wide range of aesthetic, restorative, and periodontal services, our attention to your mouth comes down to a foundation of basic health. Our staff is invested in your personal tooth and periodontal health – and we hope to provide you with the knowledge and tools to maintain their wellbeing.
Daily Oral Care
We are all aware of the importance of dental care, but we occasionally forget just how much influence we have over our oral health. The condition of your mouth depends on the time you spend caring for it. While a personal home care regimen maintains oral health, it’s crucial that you brush and floss correctly.
If you have any questions about your brushing or flossing habits, please let us know. We are always happy to help our patients better their oral hygiene. Brushing and flossing appropriately not only saves time, money that would be spent on future dental work, and frustration, it allows you to teach your children to follow suit. Eventual treatment of a diseased mouth is something that we hope to help you avoid. Diet and daily habits are just as important to your dental health as your hygiene. A healthy diet containing raw vegetables, yogurt, nuts, cheese, and lean proteins will treat both your teeth and body well. Smoking is incredibly harmful to both your teeth and your oral health, and we recommend that you work to quit tobacco.
Dental Exams And Teeth Cleanings
Regular dental appointments will help you maintain superb oral health. While there is so much you can do for your teeth at home, there are limitations that only professional tools can overcome. Dr. Okamura will spot every early signs of decay or periodontal disease to halt dental problems before they have a change to take hold. Dental exams should be scheduled every six months.
Your appointment will consist of a thorough examination, an oral cancer screening, and a teeth cleaning.
It’s Never Too Early To Schedule Your Next Dental Exam! Click Here To See More Services Provided.