Dr. Kim's Blog


Your pet's teeth are important too!

Root canals, dental x-rays, extractions, orthodontics, implants, crowns, and periodontal surgery for you pet? You must be kidding! Not at all.

How Your Body's Joints Relate to Your Dental Care

Joint replacement surgery is a commonly performed surgery today. Seven percent of all joint replacement surgeries are revision procedures, meaning the surgeries have to be repeated.

Give Back A Smile

According the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, it is estimated that 1.5 million people experience intimate partner violence each year.

Vitamin C Gum

Chew more gum? That’s right. In a recent study, gum chewers experienced less gum inflammation.

You Look Good in Pink!

Fairly regularly, we hear someone comment, "My gums always bleed", or, "My gums have bled all of my life!" Our response is: "Wow, that's a big deal.

Being Well

There’s a few nasty colds going around our area, affecting young ones and old ones alike.

Is My Toothpaste Too Abrasive?

Whenever you stroll down the dental care aisle at the drug store or the supermarket, aren't you amazed at the variety of toothpastes available?!

What Are the Newest Crowns Made Of?

When a tooth is decayed, split, or damaged to a point that simply replacing the defective part with a filling would not work well or last very long, a crown…

How Dental Benefits Work

If you are one of the many people who have employer-sponsored dental benefit plans, you are fortunate.

Drinking Water 101

Most of us know how important it is to take in enough water during the day.