Facing Invisalign treatment? You're likely filled with excitement - and a bit of anxiety. Exactly what will life be like while you're undergoing this alternative straightening? The good news is, Invisalign strives to make your life as comfortable as possible. This consideration is built right into the specifics of treatment.
Of course, Invisalign will need a little help on your end. By learning more about what treatment will be like, you can better anticipate your coming months - and complete the process without frustration. If you ever have a question about your Invisalign, we're here to help. Contact Dr. Kim Okamura's office to get answers and additional resources. We value patient education, and want to make your Invisalign experience a stellar one.
It's Not Tough to Accommodate Invisalign Treatment
As we mentioned above, Invisalign doesn't have to mean discomfort. It's far simpler to work into your life than standard braces, mainly for the reasons below:
The Cooperative Invisalign Patient
Even with all its convenience, you're eager to finish up your Invisalign. We understand, and we want to assist you in speeding through the process. In order to make sure you're working with treatment, not against it, be aware of what you need to do at home. While we'll offer advice when you're in the office, you spend the majority of your Invisalign time on your own - and it's those thousands of hours that count.
During Invisalign, be sure to:
Our Invisalign Premier Provider in Seattle
Dr. Kim Okamura has helped so many of her patients toward happy, straightened smiles with Invisalign. If you're looking for skill and experience, getting in touch will get you started. We will evaluate your bite, and decide on the right orthodontic path.
If you've ever been curious about Invisalign, we would love to tell you more. Contact us today!