Looking for a little extra inspiration to motivate your oral hygiene habits? We're here to help. If the thought of disease prevention doesn't do it for you, then may we suggest you turn to the aesthetic side of things?

That's right: great brushing, flossing, and dietary choices can lead to a more beautiful smile. By giving your mouth all that it needs, you prevent damage - and that leads to whiter, fuller, chip-free teeth. And excellent oral health not only supports a beautiful smile, but also a long-lasting one.

With all these incentives, are you ready to seize a healthier, happier mouth? Read on for some simple-to-implement tips.

Why Great Oral Health Leads to a Beautiful Smile

If plaque is allowed to build up on your teeth, it causes gingivitis and tooth decay. By brushing and flossing that plaque away on a daily basis, you don't give it a chance to affect the appearance (or strength) of your smile. This is possible with thorough, regular oral hygiene and consistent dental exams.

When you fall behind on your hygiene, plaque has a chance to make the following changes to your grin:

  • Swollen or overgrown gums - Gum disease causes your gums to become inflamed, and prolonged illness will see them growing up over your teeth. This throws off your tooth-gum display, and changes your appearance.

  • Receding gums - Irritated gums can also recede from the gum line, revealing dark portions of your tooth roots and causing sensitivity.

  • Stained teeth - Plaque buildup deposits stains in the enamel's porous surface, yellowing your overall smile.
  • Dark or white spots on teeth - Cavities and eroded enamel will cause brown, black, or white spots on your teeth, marring their visual display.
  • Black triangles - Gum disease erodes the tissue between teeth, and can lead to unappealing black triangles forming within your smile.

If you keep your teeth clean, but use them as tools, you also run the risk of incurring physical damage. Biting into non-food objects could chip or break your teeth or dental work.

Hoping to avoid all this? Then it's time to kick up your disease prevention and daily oral care. Don't worry - this is simpler than you think. It all starts with taking a more enthusiastic approach to your health.

Boosting Your Preventive Dentistry

  • Pay attention to what your mouth is telling you - When there's a problem brewing, you'll see signs of trouble. Instead of brushing them off, take note, and take action. Sudden pain in your mouth? Dark spot growing on a tooth? Gums puffing up? Give us a call.
  • Think about what you eat - Your diet directly and indirectly affects your teeth: the foods and drinks pass over them, affecting the enamel, and they also supply the nutrients that keep your mouth healthy and strong. Be sure to get a well-rounded diet, and snack on low-sugar treats. Enjoy everything in moderation!

  • Hold yourself accountable, but get the family involved - You need to be responsible for your own brushing and flossing, but you can also make oral hygiene a family activity to get everyone into the same mindset.
  • Make sure you're cleaning correctly - It may be time to revisit your hygiene tactics. Read up on proper brushing and flossing to make sure yours are up to task.
  • Keep up with your exams - Most patients should visit every six months, but you may need more frequent exams if you're in a high risk category. We have tools that can accomplish more than home care, and your exams are valuable! They're well worth the time investment.

Schedule Your Next Dental Exam in Seattle

Dr. Kim Okamura would love to check in with you. Contact us today to get your next exam on the books!

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Dr. Kim Dr. Kim

Dr. Kim Okamura

I'm Dr. Kim Okamura and this blog is a product of my love of dentistry. I dedicate it to all the patients I have served so that they may better understand my craft. The information here will give you and others the power to maintain and protect one of your most priceless gifts ... your SMILE.