Last week, we discussed the ravaging effects of TMJ disorders on your jaw and your life. This week, we’re talking about ways to find relief from TMJ-related pain and frustration. Our North Seattle dentist offers a number of treatments to alleviate your TMJ discomfort and help improve your jaw’s function. Additionally, there are exercises and you can engage in at home to help retrain your TMJ to move in healthy ways. Our staff cares about your comfort, and will work alongside you until you are able to enjoy your daily activities once more, free of jaw pain and jaw restriction.

Alleviate your Jaw Pain with TMJ Treatment

Dr. Okamura is an expert in facial musculature and will be able to diagnose and treat your TMJ with ease. We offer a variety of TMJ therapies to accommodate your needs and the level of joint dysfunction.

  • Botox Therapeutic – Botox works by blocking muscle nerve receptors from receiving commands to contract. This is most commonly used to calm forehead muscles and thereby soften facial lines. But Botox is also incredibly useful in pain-relieving applications. When a TMJ refuses to relax, it is difficult to persuade the jaw joint to cooperate and the pain can be overwhelming. Botox forces the TMJ to cease contracting, and allows your jaw respite from overwork. Botox trigger point therapy doesn’t prevent you from using your jaw; it simply minimizes the harmful effects of a TMJ disorder. Our specially trained North Seattle dentist and staff have used this therapy to great effect.

  • TMJ Massage Therapy – Pointed massage of the TMJ can help it regain normal function and eliminate accompanying pain.

  • TMJ Splints – A TMJ disorder often flares up at night, when you have little control over your muscle movements. A TMJ splint will restrict your jaw from moving in harmful ways and help it behave while you are unconscious. This leads to less aggravation of the TMJ and allows for deeper sleep.

Personal TMJ Exercises to Relax Your Jaw | Our Seattle Dentist

In addition to the treatment you receive in our office, there are a few simple exercises you can practice at home to relieve the symptoms of a TMJ disorder.

  • A focus on relaxation – Throughout your day, make a conscious effort to allow your jaw to relax. Try to pay attention to your jaw and unclench it regularly. Attention to relaxation will pay off with a less active TMJ.

  • Healthy movements – Don’t chew gum for long amounts of time, eat very hard foods, or rest your chin on your hand. All these movements and the pressure involved can stress the TMJ.

  • Hot or cold compresses – Ask your for a compress regimen that will relieve immediate TMJ pain.

While personal TMJ exercises can help lessen your pain, only a dentist can access the root of the problem and help prevent it from returning. If you’re fed up with jaw pain and ready to seek professional treatment, don’t hesitate to contact our office. Dr. Okamura and our team have brought freedom from TMJ pain to countless patients, and are ready to soothe your jaw and your life.


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