What’s the top advice for job interviews, meeting new people, and improving your daily life alike? It’s pretty simple: break into a big smile. Showing off your teeth is a crucial part of behaving like a confident, capable person. How can you make sure that your smile gets the job done? By putting your ideal grin in place. Dr. Kim Okamura can help.

Will My Smile Really Make That Much of a Difference?

Don’t underestimate the power of your pearly whites. While there have always been sayings and long-standing clichés relating to the smile, these are based on real-world examples. Today, we have the advantage of turning to research to see what smiles can really do. Whether you’re wondering about the role a smile plays in a first impression, or the extent to which it factors into an individual’s attractiveness, the results are in: teeth matter.

When you bare your grin to those around you, you're communicating aspects of your inner self. People notice what your teeth are saying, and they respond. This is vital in helping others form positive impressions, showing signs of your excellent personal health, and enhancing your social and professional interactions.

Beautiful teeth show that you are confident, capable, and taking great care of yourself. When others see your smile, they feel like you're opening up to them. This improves the depth of your relationships, whether they're work-related or personal. Smiling freely can lead to a professional advantage, as your coworkers and superiors see you as someone who is comfortable and easy to work with. If you're on the dating scene, there's no denying that showing your smile more often will resonate and bring great results. When you smile, those around you will smile back!

How Cosmetic Dentistry Really Changes Lives

If you're self-conscious about your teeth, you're going to hesitate before showing them off. You may not realize that you're holding back: many individuals cover their smiles or their laughter unconsciously, out of a lack of confidence. Once you put your ideal smile in place, you'll be ready to display your teeth for the world to see. And the world will appreciate seeing a friendlier, more outgoing side of you.

Cosmetic dentistry can step in and ensure that you're in possession of a smile you love. Whether you'll benefit from something as simple as whitening, or a more complex treatment, Dr. Okamura will help you decide on treatment specifics. Your cosmetic treatment won't just alter the appearance of your smile, but will also address its strength. Form and function come in a single package!

Finding a Cosmetic Dentist in Seattle

In order to determine your cosmetic dental path, you'll need to meet with Dr. Okamura and have a consultation. But there are some steps you can take prior to that consultation to ensure treatment results in the smile you're hoping for. Take time to think about the smile that you want to have. Look at the teeth of your loved ones, or even celebrities. You'll find smiles that thrill you and get you excited about treatment possibilities.

Once you have an idea of what you want, you should schedule your consultation. During this appointment, Dr. Okamura will talk to you about your aesthetic goals. After taking your needs and preferences into account, she'll arrange a treatment plan that fits you just right. Struggling with dental anxiety? Between sedation dentistry and our gentle treatment, you'll feel at ease in the dental chair.

Don't let anything hold you back. Seize your perfect smile to take a significant step forward.

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Dr. Kim Dr. Kim

Dr. Kim Okamura

I'm Dr. Kim Okamura and this blog is a product of my love of dentistry. I dedicate it to all the patients I have served so that they may better understand my craft. The information here will give you and others the power to maintain and protect one of your most priceless gifts ... your SMILE.